Uplifting Latina Workers for Latina Equal Pay Day
Latina women make up one of the most powerful groups in the country, but when it comes to the pay gap, they suffer greatly. For those working both full and part time, Latina women earn only 54 cents for every $1 earned by the average white, non-Hispanic male.
Additionally, Latina women who work full-time, year round earn only 57 cents for every $1 earned by a white male.
For the first time, these calculations (54 cents) include migrant and seasonal workers who tirelessly perform the agricultural duties that put food on our tables. Regardless of the type of job, the place of employment, or the level of education, the data is clear – there is a wage gap impacting women workers at every level.
What can you do? Raise awareness with us on Latina Equal Pay Day on Thursday, December 8. Here’s how:
1. Follow the Equal Pay Today campaign on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and now Mastodon.
2. Click below to automatically post a tweet on your feed!
3. Use our social media toolkit to copy + paste pre-drafted posts and graphics onto your social media channels. Then share with your networks! Click here for the toolkit.
4. Stay on top of equal pay laws in your state by following Equal Rights Advocates’ Policy Hub.
Raising awareness is just one of many actions you can take to illuminate the wage gap, rooted in racism and sexism. Managers, C-Suite Executives, and HR personnele have the ability to conduct in-house reports that disaggregate data to identify pay discrepancies among their employees and come up with solutions that allow Latina workers to achieve their highest potential; employees can discuss their salaries with one another to find out for themselves how fairly or unfairly they are being compensated; you can advocate for pay transparency and end to occupational segregation, and much more. Follow Equal Pay Today for more information on how to help close the wage gap one step at a time!
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