Equal Rights Advocates 50th Anniversary Logo

2023 Wrapped: Our Top 10 Moments

December 18. 2023

A purple image with a photo at the top, showing ERA contingent marching in the San Francisco Pride parade, holding rainbow signs that say Gender Justice for All, waving rainbow flags, and carrying signs with Know Your Rights QR codes. In yellow text: ERA Wrapped 2023 on the left; on the right, white text: 3 Big Worker Lawsuits, 10 Years of Equal Pay Today; 5 Awesome Laws in California, 5 New Team Members, 1 Movement

A lot of work went into holding the line this year to protect equal rights and advance gender justice. While the fight continues, we can and must celebrate our victories! Below are 10 of Equal Rights Advocates’ favorite moments of 2023.


ERA 2023 Wrapped: Top 10 Moments

A light purple image with swirling designs. At the top, a photo of women professors at Vassar University looking touched and high fiving students who showed up in protest to support the women professors' equal pay lawsuit. Underneath, text: #1 Big Lawsuits for Wage Justice

In August, we filed a class action lawsuit against Vassar College over long-standing pay discrimination against women professors compared to male professors. The lawsuit sparked student protests and received national coverage in The Washington Post, New York Times, and more. We also provided amici support to major tech pay equity cases: an action against Google resulted in a $118 million settlement benefitting 1,500 workers, and a similar suit against tech giant Oracle on behalf of 3,000 women IT workers is pending. Shout out to the firms leading these cases!

A mint green image with colorful swirls in the background. Photo at the top: a group of people smiling in front of an Equal Pay Today poster. Text at the bottom: #2 Equal Pay Today Turns 10

The Equal Pay Today (EPT) campaign celebrated its 10th anniversary as the nation marked the 60th anniversary of the federal Equal Pay Act and the passage of 150 stronger equal pay laws over the past decade. EPT released a bold 2023-2024 Equal Pay Policy Agenda with 25+ state and federal policy initiatives to close gender, racial, and LGBTQ+ wage gaps. ERA proudly partnered with 40 EPT member organizations to engage millions of people across the country behind policy reforms, strategic enforcement, and community education on Equal Pay Days throughout the year. Learn more.

A dark coral orange image with green and black swirls and flower design. At the top, photo of a Stronger California rally, with workers standing behind a lawmaker standing at a podium, whose fist is raised in the air. Underneath, text: #3, 5 New Laws in California

After months of advocacy, 5 of our Stronger California bills for women, workers, and families were signed into law this fall, setting a new pace of progress for states across the country. We led 60 organizations in successfully reducing childcare costs; protecting workers who report labor violations; ensuring more paid sick days; and shielding sexual violence survivors from baseless defamation lawsuits. Learn more.

Mustard yellow image with silver chrome swirl and a psychedelic rainbow flower. At the top, a photo showing students wearing masks and protesting outside, holding signs about their safety and rights. One student's fist is raised in the air. Underneath, text: #4 Making Schools Safe & Fair

We supported 2 important education cases with amicus briefs this year. First, the CA Supreme Court ruled college survivors of domestic and sexual violence are no longer required to endure live cross-examination in hearings—a Trump-era rule that singled out victims for interrogation. In the second, we supported students in a 9th Circuit Title IX case that will determine whether college athletes can join forces across sports teams to collectively show gender discrimination in their school’s athletics program.

A black image with white pixel designs and colorful swirls. At the top, a photo of ERA's contingent at San Francisco Pride, smiling and holding rainbow signs that say Gender Justice for All. Underneath, text: #5, Dancing with Pride

A proud contingent of ERA staff, volunteers, and supporters marched in the San Francisco Pride Parade this June! We celebrated our LGBTQ+ identities, shared information with the crowd about their rights at work and school, organized collective action, and—of course—we danced.

A lilac purple image with purple pixel lines and light yellow swirls. At the top, a selfie of 3 ERA leaders on the steps of the White House; underneath, text: #6, In Solidarity with Black Women at the White House

In September, we were invited to a special meeting of advocates at the White House to speak with Biden Administration officials about closing wage and wealth gaps for Black women. We and other advocates shared information with officials about how to address occupational segregation, lack of access to affordable childcare and paid leave, workplace discrimination, and other barriers. Learn more.

A mint green image with rainbow swirls and yellow pixel lines. At the top, a photo of a women electrician or engineer working outside, kneeling on the ground and working on an electrical box with power tools. Underneath, text: #7, Women Rebuilding America

We launched our Women Rebuilding America initiative to disrupt occupational segregation by increasing equity in infrastructure industries. With new transformative federal legislation disbursing $4 trillion to state and local governments across the country, millions of new high-paying trades jobs will be created. ERA is co-leading a coalition to help ensure women and people of color fill these jobs.

A dark coral orange image with lime green pixel lines and colorful swirls. At the top, a photo of ERA's whole staff, about 20 people, on stage at ERA's annual Gala, making muscles with their arms to symbolize strength. Underneath, text: #8, Building Our Team

Our team welcomed 5 new people in 2023, each a treasured leader in the gender justice movement: Deborah J. Vagins, National Campaign Director; Melvina Ford, National Legal Director; Nupur Soni, Assistant Digital Marketing Manager; Ayn Hinojosa, Office Coordinator; and Comfort Siodlarz, Director of Finance.

A mustard yellow image with a psychedelic rainbow flower, a chrome silver line. At the top, a photo marketing image for a Latina Equal Pay Day Instagram Live event featuring two speakers; Underneath, text: #9 Innovating Economic Justice

On 7 days of action throughout the year, we facilitated online conversations spotlighting movement leaders who are Native American women, Black women, tradeswomen, and Latina women, who shared insights on community-specific issues and possible solutions to economic disparities and unfair access to opportunities. Tune in to learn from these community leaders by clicking the links above.

A black image with colorful rainbow background. At the top: photo of 3 people taking a selfie at ERA's 2023 Gala. Underneath, text: #10 Building Power State by State

Our annual Gala in June focused on the necessity of innovative partnerships across states and sectors to successfully defend rights and advance equality. The event featured a fascinating conversation with journalist Dahlia Lithwick, and awards for honorees Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Hon. Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye, and Cassandra Welchlin of the Mississippi Black Women’s Roundtable. Watch a free recording of the event here!


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Posible que podamos proveer ayuda legal por gratis por los siguientes problemas en el trabajo o la escuela: discriminación basado en el género o por LGBTQI+, acoso sexual, asalto sexual, y discriminación basado en el embarazo o por ser padre/madre.


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